Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Remember to take the time to enjoy your spouse

That season is upon us......Just remember every day to take the time to remember that special person, whoever they are....or your family....friends.....enjoy them.

Remember to take the time each day to tell your spouse how much you care for them.  Take the time to spend even just a bit of time with them.  Even if you have to shut yourselves in a closet for a few minutes.

Remember.....if you don't get time to bake those cookies, that's ok......
Remember.....if you don't get the time to completely clean the house...so what....
Remember....you don't have to send out Christmas Cards.......who will know (maybe you missed them)

Enjoy your life...no matter what....and count all your blessings....
The important thing is your wonderful family and friends...

I will take the time each and every day to tell Jack that I love him!

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