Sunday, January 20, 2013

30 Years of Marriage

Well, it all started at McDonald's.  Jack was one of my managers.  I was in High School.  He was 4 years older than me.  He asked me out several times, but always to dinner.  Being a young girl in school, the last thing we did in front of a guy was eat.  So I said no.

My mother took a few calls from him and said he sounded like a wonderful young man.  

One day after he returned from Florida, very tan......we had our first official date.  May 15, 1981.  We pretty much saw each other every day after that.  No matter where I was at, on the 15th of every month, I received a dozen roses.  Very Romantic.

2 months later, I asked him to marry me, and he said yes!!

We planned our wedding and we were married on November 6, 1982.  The wedding had several hiccups:
Jack's grandfather and uncle passed away within a week of the wedding
Jack was transfered to Mount Pleasant so the home we were moving into no longer worked (the week before)
Jacks parents both got pink eye
my florist raised the price of the flowers by $300.00 the day before the wedding
Jacks check got lost in the mail
My employer (not McDonalds) would only give me Saturday and Sunday off for the wedding
The cake top was wrong and had to be replaced.
The Best man passed out cold at the ceremony
followed by the groom having to get air while I kneeled at the altar waiting for their return.

Needless to say........we didn't let it ruin our day.  It is now one of the most remembered events.

We decided to have children right away.  We wanted to grow up with them.  We also wanted to be in our early 40's when they were at the end of their high school years.  We only wanted 2 children and were blessed with a girl and boy.  We wanted to keep it at 2 so that we could give them the most we could possibly give them.  Traveling was very important to us.  To get them to enjoy experiencing different places in their life.  Our goal was all 50 states by the time they turned 18.  I believe Chelsea was at 38 and Brian was at 37 states.  Not bad.  We also took them on a cruise to the Bahamas ( not a very good one) so I hope that experience doesn't sour them on cruises.

During their later years in high school, we did everything to make our home open to their friends.  To keep them off the street and make sure their paths did not take them to bad places.  I don't think we really ever had to worry, but we always had a house full of kids.  During the building of our lake house, we continued to be home as much as possible for them.

They both exceeded our expectations in life.  Both college graduates with many other accomplishments to boot.  They are amazing people and we know they are behind us 100% as we are them.  We are so very blessed.

Now so many years later, we are on our own again.  Have been for a few years.  This is an amazing time of life.  I couldn't be more lucky to spend my time with such a wonderful man.  We celebrated our 30th anniversary last year.  I love him more today than the day I married him.

I still get excited to see him at the end of a work day.  I can't wait to spend time with him.  My favorite place to be is wrapped up in his lap, pretending to watch what he is watching.

Life is good.....


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